Prostate Cancer in the UK Parliament: Trends and Insights

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Key highlights in 2024

  • November saw the greatest spike in parliamentary interest compared to other months in 2024.
  • Advocacy initiatives like ‘Movember’ that focus attention on a disease in a particular calendar month can drive parliamentary interest.
  • Despite being the most common cancer in men, prostate cancer only ranked 12th in the most discussed diseases that cause mortality in the UK Parliament in 2024.

A breakdown of prostate cancer interest in the UK Parliament

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men in the UK, with 1 in 8 men diagnosed during their lifetime.[1] Annually, over 52,000 men are diagnosed in the UK, and more than 12,000 lose their lives to the disease.[2]

Throughout 2024 (January to November), prostate cancer has been discussed by UK Parliamentarians.  However, interest in November tripled on average compared to other months. November also coincided with Men’s Health Month, International Men’s Day, and ‘Movember’. October also saw higher than average interest followed by January. 

October and November interest was driven by greater than average tabling of parliamentary questions that focused on the availability and accessibility of prostate cancer screening.

Despite a November spike in parliamentary interest, overall in 2024, prostate cancer only ranked 12th out of the top 20 diseases that result in mortality (as measured by the ONS).

The effectiveness of advocacy campaigns

Prostate Cancer UK, through their ‘Faster. Fairer. Better.’ campaign, has called for faster diagnosis via enhanced MRI capacity, fairer chances of early detection by encouraging GPs to engage high-risk men, and better support for the TRANSFORM research trial aimed at creating a national screening programme.[3]

In October 2024, Prostate Cancer UK took this campaign to Westminster, hosting an event backed by Clive Efford MP and other prominent speakers.[4] This event, which launched the Charity’s first-year plan for the new Government, encouraged supporters to write to their MPs, ensuring prostate cancer remained high on the political agenda.

Annual events like Movember further amplify this impact. By raising awareness through its moustache-growing initiative, Movember keeps men’s health issues, including prostate cancer, in the public eye. The campaign was directly referenced in Parliament during October and November, notably in a debate on International Men’s Day. Mims Davies MP, Chair of the APPG on Men and Boys’ Issues, highlighted Movember and the work undertaken by charities as a vital tool for increasing awareness and engagement.[5]

Brevia Health Insight

If you would like to find out more about Brevia Health’s parliamentary tracker and how advocacy initiatives can be designed to drive political interest, please contact the Brevia Health team at

Further insights will be released each month and key trends identified.

[1] Prostate Cancer UK, ‘Prostate Information and Support’, link

[2] Prostate Cancer UK, ‘Prostate Information and Support’, link

[3] Prostate Cancer UK, ‘Faster. Fairer. Better’, link

[4]  Prostate Cancer UK, ‘Faster. Fairer. Better’, link

[5] House of Commons, ‘International Men’s Day’, 21 November 2024, link

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